In a nutshell he mentioned lack of a running game, lack of physical toughness and team that is still overall on the immature side.
He is what he said:
On lack of a running game:
"We have tried to run the ball inside and just haven't been very effective. We've tried different things__probably did too much at times to try and create a run game and help us vertically down the field. We haven't been able to do it consistently."
On lacking physical toughness:
"That's not first time they've heard it all season. It starts with me, falls on my shoulders and I'm the one who is responsible. At the end of the day you are what you are."
On Gators defense:
They got four turnovers and we only had one so it wasn't good enough."
On the team's youth:
"Some of our players are more mature than others. There's a lot of things. You just can't put your finger on one thing."
It is funny that the Gators were winning SEC and National Championships before Muschamp came to Florida. It sounds like excuses to me. I was always told that "TRUE" Champions make adjustments and not EXCUSES.