On that series note, don't let what is happening at Miami fool you into thinking college football players are living a country club existence. They often work 18 hours a day on their job of playing football and going to class.
A lot take under the table handouts, but for many its to survive because as has been documented by the NCAA itself scholarships do not over full cost of attending college not to mention medical benefits;__ which most players have to pay for on their own unless they have a Pell Grant or can qualify for some financial assistance.
Allen Sack (above) said it best in comparing the current state of the NCAA with prohibition.
The problem is up top. With many football and basketball coaches making $1 million upwards the balance is out of whack.
That's more than most college presidents make and players are not naive like they might have been 20-30 years ago.
Things are only going to get worse unless the NCAA changes its ways or the FBS (formerly I-A) football programs bolt and form their own organization, which they already have in a way with the BCS.
The best line from the series from this perspective was Allen Sack's analogy that today's NCAA with its rules resembles what the government tried to do with prohibition.
Here is a look back at that classic statement, which ESPN basketball guru Jay Bilas tweeted as something he thoroughly enjoyed.
“This is like prohibition and outlawing alcohol merely led to an outbreak of the worst kind of crime in the nation’s history with Al Capone, Chicago and the mobs,” Sack said. “What we have here is a system out of control where most nice, regular, good people say it is corrupt and therefore athletes are violating rules because they don’t believe the people who run this thing are really honest."
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